Hair Weaving Service in Thanjavur

What is Hair Weaving 

Best Hair Weaving Service Centre in Thanjavur 

Hair weaving is a science of braiding human hair extensions to the roots of existing hair so it stays alongside your natural hair, in this manner giving the impression of thick growth. It’s additionally called hair integration technique. It is best for women who are stressed due to hair fall issues. Hair weaving or also known as extensions is the most popular way of changing your hairstyle nowadays. It refers to the techniques employed for incorporating new hair, either natural or synthetic to the existing hair of an individual. It is the science of adding hair to the scalp by weaving or braiding human or synthetic hair. Those who are not satisfied with their hair, or want to have a more gorgeous look with long and thick beautiful hair can go for Hair weaving. The hair is woven to the root area of the person’s hair so that it grows naturally with their hair.

This method allows individuals to get the desired hairstyles by adding more volume and length to their original hair. People who are facing the problem of hair thinning or balding can mainly opt for this option. (Best Hair Weaving Service Centre in Thanjavur )


Hair Weaving Methods

( Best Hair Weaving Service Centre in Thanjavur )
There are various types of weaving styles out of which bonding, tracking, fusion, netting or net weaving, and tree braiding are some of the most extensively used methods. Either natural or synthetic can be used as hair extensions.


1. Bonding (Best Hair Weaving Service Centre in Thanjavur )
Bonding is one of the most widely used techniques where hair is separated into several sections and the pieces of weaved hair are added to the natural hair, close to the scalp by using hair glue. It is a famous temporary weaving technique which adds volume or vibrant streaks of colour to the natural hair. This is a temporary method of weaving that does not damage the natural hair. In order to prevent any kind of damage to natural hair, tracks are removed after a few days. Another form of bonding technique is attachment of wigs with the help of a medical adhesive. Bonding technique has two types, namely soft bond and hard bond.

2. Tracking (Best Hair Weaving Service Centre in Thanjavur )
Tracking is another method of integration which involves braiding the natural hair into several tracks across the head. Here, a few concentric circles of braids are created and sewn. Now, the weave or new hair is sewn horizontally across the head to the sewn braids. Generally, hair is braided into cornrows in order to sew the weave hair. In this technique, natural tresses are initially braided into the cornrows, which are referred to as ‘track’. For a specific tracking, weave comprises few tracks. This type of weaving, however, requires a lot of care and can be properly done only by a professional. On the other hand, the complete head is braided for a full head weave. In a full head weave, head braids are either sewn or covered with a net. Thereafter, extensions are sewn to the braids, with tracks depending on the desired look.

3. Fusion (Best Hair Weaving Service Centre in Thanjavur )
It is one of those techniques that gives a truly natural look by making the weave completely unrecognizable from the original hair. Here a machine is used to glue for natural hair strands. For this, the natural hair has to be sectioned off into several small and slender sections. Then the machine is heated in order to attach the new hair to each of the sectioned hair strands. But the high heat applied can cause damage and hence, sufficient care and precautions are required to be followed. This method is quite expensive and time-consuming, but it can give a natural look and the hair can be washed and maintained as usual. Nowadays, another technique is available, which is known as cold fusion, which does not require the use of a heating machine. Associated with the risks of loss and damage of skin burn, the technique has not amassed popularity as bonding and tracking techniques.



4. Net Weaving (Best Hair Weaving Service Centre in Thanjavur )
It is a permanent technique of weaving that is especially appropriate for those experiencing thinning or balding. In this process braiding of natural hair and enclosing a thin film of net on the braided hair is done. Now this net serves as a surface on which the extensions can be woven. It can last for 2 to 3 months, but would require proper care and maintenance. Benefit of this technique is that it does not cause any damage to hair unlike fusion techniques. You can also wash your hair once a week, provided you dry out your hair completely. In this technique, wefts are woven onto the net without any impact on natural hair’s health. Tree Braiding Invisible braiding also known as tree braiding is a momentary technique employed for weaving. But this treatment can give a completely genuine look, meaning the weave looks completely natural. To add extensions, first of all, the natural hair is parted in the middle to create a basic cornrow braid. Now the artificial is added just at the beginning of the cornrow braid. This process is quite tricky and can be done perfectly by an expert hair care professional only. The artificial hair extensions can completely blend with the natural hair to give a stunning look.

With these techniques integrating artificial hair has become fairly excellent in order to add style, volume, and length to the existing. With the help of new techniques weaving has progressed to a great extent that weaved hair looks almost undetectable. Weaving treatment also requires the help of an expert and certified professional to ensure that no damage is done to your natural hair in the process.

Consultation is required before going through this process* For more detailed information, contact us!
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